第48章 世锦赛3 (第1/2页)



世锦赛官网V:Today's petition is over. Currently, Jiang Jiahe from China ranks first in the women's singles short program, while Shoma from Japan ranks first in the men's singles.


Short program for women's singles:


The first place winner is Jiang Jiahe from China, with a short program score of 99.16。


The second place is Miyawara Yaoyue from Japan, with a short program score of 85.47.


The third place is Ilia from the United States, with a short program score of 83.61.


Men Short Program:


The first place is Shoma from Japan, with a short program score of 108.25.


The second place winner is Wang Yangze from China, with a short program score of 1





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